Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Crystal - PseudoScience or Practical Magick?

Crystal - PseudoScience or Practical Magick?

What is Crystal, actually and practically means?

First of all, we have to understand that due to different perceptions and views, people would not and must not have the same idea toward the same thing. Different people will perceive Srystal differently, according to their level of consciousness and self-awareness.

Then, how should we give a universal definination of what crystal really is?
We can define Crystal's real identity by three levels:
1. Outer Appearence
2. Inner Functions
3. Innermost Quality

(to be continued...)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Welcome to Crystal Clear Awareness!

Crystal Clear Awareness

What is this blog ALL about?
It's about Crystals.
It's about Clarity - of Mind and of Life itself;
It's about Awareness - to know who we really are,
and why we are here.
It's about YOU.

So, just lay back,
RELAX and meditate.
Follow Your BLISS!!!